Seminář anglické konverzace

Seminář anglické konverzace navštívil IT vývojář Ondřej Mach, který si s dětmi povídal o jeho profesi v angličtině. Článek se zpětnou vazbou sepsaly žákyně semináře A. Hapalová a V. Bencová.
Lecture of an IT developer

On April 30th, a special guest came to our English Conversation class to teach and provide us with more information about his life and job. He told us about what it takes to become an IT developer. He taught us how to be safe with banks and bank accounts. He warned us about the pitfalls of having a bank account. He told us that the safest way to access your bank account on your phone is by using your fingerprint. He also gave us some space to ask questions about his life and occupation. He shared his funny experiences from his work. Overall, getting to know him was interesting. This lesson enriched us with more information. He managed to lead the lesson in a fun way, and we really enjoyed it.